Learn Terraform with Azure

Introduction to IaC

  1. Overview of Infra as Code
  2. IaC options to work with Azure
  3. Why Terraform on Azure
  4. Overview of Hashicorp Products

Terraform Setup

  1. Overview of Terraform
  2. Terraform Versions
  3. Download and Install Terraform
  4. Installation of Visual Studio Code IDE to work with Terraform
  5. Installation of Terraform Extension for Visual Studio Code
  6. Hello world Program using Hashicorp configuration language (HCL)

Terraform Basics

  1. Terraform Blocks (Terraform, resource, data etc)
  2. Terraform Providers
  3. Terraform Attributes, Arguments and Meta-Arguments
  4. Terraform Workflow
  5. Terraform Implicit and Explicit Dependencies

Terraform State

  1. Overview of Terraform State
  2. Advantages of Terraform State
  3. How to import existing resources into State
  4. Terraform State Commands
  5. Use Cases for Local State and Remote State

Terraform Providers

  1. Overview of Terraform Providers
  2. Terraform Provider list
  3. Usage of multiple Providers

Terraform Essentials

  1. Overview of Terraform Data Types
  2. Understand how to pass Inputs to Terraform Configuration using Input values
  3. Learn how to use Local variables to re-use within the Configuration file
  4. How to return values using Output values

Terraform Modules

  1. Overview of Modules
  2. How to introduce modularization in a single Terraform Configuration file into modules without any impact.
  3. Create new Modules
  4. Communication between Terraform modules.

Introduction to Version Control Systems (Git)

  1. Source Control Fundamentals
  2. Types of Source Control Systems
  3. Create a Project with Distributed Source Control (git) in Azure DevOps
  4. Creating a Git Repo in Azure DevOps
  5. Cloning a Git Repo in Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code
  6. Understand Git Operations
    • Clone
    • Stage
    • Commit
    • Fetch
    • Push
    • Pull
    • Merge
  7. Understand master/main, Feature Branches, and Hotfix Branches
  8. Create & Configure Pull Requests in Azure DevOps
  9. Setting up Git Branch Policies

Azure DevOps – Integrate Terraform with CI/CD Pipelines

  • Overview of Azure DevOps Pipelines
  • Install Terraform Extensions in Azure DevOps Organization
  • Create YAML – Build Pipeline
  • Create YAML – Release Pipeline
  • Review Terraform Plan in Pipeline
  • Configure Approvals for the Pipeline
  • Terraform Apply and deployment to Azure

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What People Say

“It was really great experience learning Azure for data engineers. Very informative and highly recommend this course. He has in-depth knowledge of Azure. Most importantly all sessions are practical with real-time use cases. “.


Learning from Praveen does not stop after classes are over but an ongoing process. Explains concepts very patiently.

Omkar Gundlur

The course was very informative. He is very patient at answering each and every question. I would recommend Praveen for anyone who is seeking to learn Azure

Chanikya Reddy

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